Monday, September 11, 2006


I'll be floating around campus tomorrow.

I'd like to get an update on Prof. Fleissner's book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, walter, you're the topic of conversation at the democrats meeting this week. how do you feel about that? why don't you tell us the REAL story?

9/12/2006 3:19 PM  
Blogger Walter's Ghost said...

The real story is that we need to do what worked in my time. Bomb Iran.

9/13/2006 12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

walter's ghost is wise. Could he really be a republican? Smart money is on yes.

9/13/2006 2:33 PM  
Blogger Walter's Ghost said...

Politics should stop at the water's edge.

9/13/2006 4:01 PM  

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